Olivier Hidalgo, A Story

Olivier Hidalgo.A little more personal.
I was born in El Salvador. A beautiful country.
I studied in a Catholic School.
I was always asking questions.
I wanted to learn.
I loved to teach others what I learned.

Olivier Hidalgo, London, Ontario. Canada.
I was still in high schol when I had my first experience with hypnosis. There was a hypnotist close to my home and I had a teacher that practiced hypnosis.
As a teen I wanted to learn everything about the mind, mind control ... I wanted to control all my friends, lol.
Having good teachers I learned that it was more about learning to control yourself, being able to help others without controlling them.

Olivier Hidalgo. NGH Certified Instructor.NLP Hypnosis Centre.London, Ontario. Canada.519-495-6405.London Hypnosis Traininglondonhypnosistraining.ca
As a young man I spent a couple years of my life in Belgium. When back to El Salvador.
Then I immigrated to this beautiful country, Canada.
I had a background in Chemistry, Math and Teaching, but like most immigrants I could not find a job in my profession so I worked in factories, cleaning, and many other jobs.
I went back to study I got diplomas in Business Administration, Business Management, Computer Repair, and Computer Programming.
One of my first jobs in computers was at The London Children’s Museum. A wonderful place to work. A wonderful place for children.
After that I worked teaching Computer Literacy, Customer Service, and others jobs related to computers and business administration.
As many human beings, I have had successes and failures.
I was always learning more about the power of the mind, reading about nlp, hypnosis, meditation, reiki, etc. It was all curiosity until a friend told me … “you are always talking about those crazy things … hypnosis an nlp, why not make them your job, your profession or your business?”
So, I did, I got my certification en NLP and started to look for the best training for Hypnosis.
I did a lot of research on that looking for great training, excellent curriculum, well recognized organization, support, materials, etc.
After all the research I decided for The National Guild of Hypnotists.
I got my certification as Certified Consulting Hypnotist, opened my Hypnosis business NLP Hypnosis Centre, and when I got the experience I applied and got the Certification as NGH Certified Trainer.
And that's it ... I love what I do.
I love to see the power of positive changes in our clients. I love to see how powerful our clients are. I love to see the power of hypnosis.

London Hypnosis Training
Why NGH?
The National Guild of Hypnotists is a organization that realy support members.
It is a well known organization. With more than 14,000 members in 82 countries.
The curriculum is excellent. I knew about Hypnosis and NLP before my NGH training, but after my certification as Consulting Hypnotist I knew for sure I got the training I neeed.
Now that I'm a Certified Instructor I know I have the support I need from NGH to guide my students in a powerful way.
Just in case you wonder about the photography. It was taken during The National Guild of Hypnotists Convention in Las Vegas, in 2020.